Monday, July 02, 2007

Hello World

So last Saturday marked the end of my isolation from the outside world. My time without home Internet service, TV, radio, etc. has come to an end and now I am awash in information pouring in from the outside world. This is like breaking the Yom Kippur or Ramadan fasts - neither of which I have ever observed, but I have been known to take part in the feasts that follow. Within the first couple of hours after being connected, I managed to download 7 or so albums just because I could. I mean, I wanted them, but it was more about being able to get whatever I wanted.

I have to admit that the time removed from information's mainstream was refreshing. Before my disconnection, I was more or less addicted to information, especially free information. Despite being out of the loop entirely when it came to music and news, it was a relief to not be driven by the need to know exactly what was new and earth-shattering. In all, it was nice while it lasted.

Now that I'm back, I've got some pent-up words that may be shared eventually. And of course I have the 10 albums I downloaded to comment on.

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All About Me

Kiryu-shi, Gunma-ken, Japan
I'm currently living in a small Japanese city at the foothills of mountains about 75 miles northwest of Tokyo. A lot of time is spent absorbing the culture in large doses; and when that gets old, I turn to the Internet.